Author Guidelines

Article Review Process

The articles for SIR are selected by the Editorial Board. The submitted articles undergo Double Blind Peer Review . Reviewers are contacted for getting their consent to review and send comments. These reviewers are selected on basis of their knowledge and experience in the subject area. The author’s identity remains hidden to the reviewer following SIRs policy for blind peer review process (see our policies and guidelines for details).

The review process can take up to 2-4 weeks. Modifications to article structure or writing style of paper suggested by the reviewer are forwarded to author for revision. The revised paper under goes another round of review. Final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of any submission lies with the Editorial Board of SIR. 

It is the pre-requisite of publication that the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication partially or fully anywhere else. 

Blind Peer Review Process ensures quality and is as approved by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

Submission Guidelines 

Scientific Inquiry and Review (SIR) accepts manuscripts in AMA Style Format. For AMA formatting, kindly click on AMA Style Formatting and make sure your manuscript follows the same pattern.

Article Processing Charges

No fees apply to rejected articles, and there are no charges for submissions or additional fees based on article length, figures, or supplementary data; however, the article will only be processed for publication once the author pays the following APC on acceptance:

For International: 75$

For National: 15000 PKR

Copyright and Author Consent Form 

Kindly attach the copyright and Author while submitting your manuscript. (See Copyright and Author Consent form)