Three-Player Gambler’s Ruin Problem: Some Extensions

Keywords: asymmetric games, symmetric games, Three-player game, the ruin time, ties, unequal initial fortune


Abstract Views: 276

For calculating the expected ruin time of the classic three-player symmetric game, Sandell derived a general formula by introducing an appropriate martingale and stopping time. However, the martingale approach is not appropriate to determine the ruin time of asymmetric game. In general, ruin probabilities in both cases, that is, symmetric and asymmetric games as well as the expected ruin time for the asymmetric games are still need to be calculated. The current work is also about three-player gambler’s ruin problem with some extensions. We provide expressions for the ruin time with or without ties when all the players have equal or unequal initial fortunes. Finally, the validity of the asymmetric game is also tested through a Monte Carlo simulation study.

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How to Cite
Abid Hussain, Hanif M, Naseer M. Three-Player Gambler’s Ruin Problem: Some Extensions. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2021Sep.10 [cited 2025Mar.31];5(3):1-11. Available from:
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