Computing Novel Multiplicative Zagreb Connection Indices of Metal-Organic Networks (MONs)

Keywords: Connection number, multiplicative Zagreb indices, metal organic networks


Abstract Views: 102

Topological index (TI) is a mathematical formula which represents a (molecular) network using graph isomorphism. TI also predicts the toxicological, structural, biological and physicochemical properties of a chemical compound. Metal-organic network (MON) is a recently developed chemical compound having versatile applications in heterogeneous catalysis, environmental hazard, super- capacitors, absorption analysis, energy and gas storage device, sensing, and the assessment of several chemicals. MON consists of vertices (or metal ions) and edges between vertices (or linkers) that provides a huge surface area, excellent chemical stability, unique morphology, octahedral cluster, and a large pore volume. At present, zinc based MONs are also used in biomedical applications such as cancer imaging, drug delivery, and biosensing. In this paper, we initially define the fourth and fifth multiplicative Zagreb connection indices (ZCIs). We also compute the first, second, third, fourth and fifth multiplicative ZCIs of two different zinc based MONs, namely zinc oxide network (R) and zinc silicate network (S).

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How to Cite
Usman Ali. Computing Novel Multiplicative Zagreb Connection Indices of Metal-Organic Networks (MONs). Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2021Mar.26 [cited 2024Oct.18];5(1):46-1. Available from:
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