Analytical Solutions of Fractional Partial Differential equations for the Second grade fluid Flow

  • Muhammad Danish Ikram Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology Lahore, 54770 Pakistan
  • Zuha Binte Tahir Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology Lahore, 54770 Pakistan
  • Maira Anwar Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology Lahore, 54770 Pakistan
  • Muhammad Imran Asjad Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology Lahore, 54770 Pakistan
Keywords: CPC fractional derivative; Fractional model; Analytical solutions; Laplace transform method


Abstract Views: 98 This research work is related to unsteady movement of second-grade fluid over an infinite plate. The governing equations for flow are developed through constitutive relations. Then classical model extended to fractional order model with power law fractional differential operator. The Laplace transform (LT) technique is applied to find the analytical results and stated as series satisfy the boundary conditions. To see physical significance of flow parameters some graphs are displayed. Recent results from the existing literature are recovered to validate.   Copyright(c) The Authors


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How to Cite
Ikram MD, Tahir ZB, Anwar M, Asjad MI. Analytical Solutions of Fractional Partial Differential equations for the Second grade fluid Flow. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2021Jun.29 [cited 2025Mar.7];5(2). Available from:
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