Effect of Exogenously Applied Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) on Two Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars

Maize plant is quite sensitive to lower temperatures before reaching maturity and needs to be nurtured in an optimal environment during cultivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of foliar application of plant growth regulators (PGRs), such as humic acid, ascorbic acid, and thiourea, on two maize cultivars (Pioneer 1543 and Monsanto 8441). PGRs were used at three stages of plant development, namely, seedling stage, 10- to 15- leaf stage, and the blooming stage. 3 treatments, T1 = 20ml/L, T2 = 30ml/L and T3 = 50ml/L, along with one control were compared using a randomized complete block design having three replications. The foliar application of PGRs showed ameliorative effects on maize growth and significantly increased growth parameters, plant biomass, and yield of the plant. Though all the PGR treatments enhanced the growth, biomass, and yield of the crops; however, thiourea application significantly increased plant height, root length, leaf length, leaf area, fresh weight, and cob length. Overall, Monsanto 8441 showed significant improvement under all treatments as compared to Pioneer 1543. The findings of this research revealed an increased growth rate of the crops (height of plant, area of leaf, number of leaves, number of nodes, fresh weight per plant) after foliar application of PGRs. Further studies may be conducted to investigate the physiological, anatomical, and molecular-level changes that caused this increase in growth parameters of the cultivars after foliar application of the selected PGRs.
Copyright(c) The Authors
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Copyright (c) 2021 Naila Sarwar, Misbah Arshad, Musarat, Hafiz Muhammed Wariss, Asma Yaqoob

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