Analysis of Bridge Graph through K-Banhatti Sombor Invariants

  • Abaid ur Rehman Virk Department of Mathematics, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore
Keywords: bridge graph, Somor index, topological index


Abstract Views: 140

Graph invariant is a numeric quantity, which is often associative with a molecular graph. During the last few years countless mathematical graph invariants have been characterized and used for the prediction of different
properties of chemical compounds. In any case, no solid assessment has been embraced to choose, how much these invariants are connected with a molecular graph. The current study introduces two new topological invariants, namely multiplicative k banhatti sombor index and multiplicative k banhatti reduce sombor index to calculate the results for three variants of bridge networks. Bridge graphs have a good potential for
prediction in the field of computer science, mathematics, chemistry, pharmacy, informatics, and biology in relation to physical, chemical structures, and networks. These deduced results can be used for the
computer network modelling, bio-informatics, and chemical compounds.


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How to Cite
Virk A ur R. Analysis of Bridge Graph through K-Banhatti Sombor Invariants. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2025Mar.31];6(4):1-22. Available from:
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