In Silico Evaluation of Genes and Proteins Involved in Bacterial Bio Plastic Production Pathways

Plastic pollution has become a most pressing environmental issue. The frequent use of plastic products is endangering both fossil fuel resources and the environment. Bioplastics are plastic materials, which have emerged as a suitable replacement and proved more environment friendly than traditional plastics. Among bioplastics, Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are in demand due to its promising properties and modifications, such as a high rate of biodegradation. Three key genes (phaA, phaB, and phaC) are involved in the biosynthesis of PHA. The current research aims to perform an analysis based on bioinformatic approaches to analyze the genes and their translated proteins in potential PHA producing microorganisms found in the Gen-solution databases. The sequences (DNA and Protein) obtained from PHA-producing microorganisms were analyzed in MEGA X to check their evolutionary history. It was concluded later that the arrangement of genes was highly diverse. The PHA biosynthetic genes belonging to Proteobacteria showed promising phylogenetic relationships. Moreover,
the occurrence of their distribution in these organisms suggested that a single gene cluster related to PHA might have been segmented in the form of small groups of genes and transferred among various organisms. The results indicated that the gene and protein sequences were not fully conserved, suggesting that all the genes undergo addition, deletion, or replacement of nucleotides, resulting in gene rearrangement. However, the function of the proteins remained fully conserved, suggesting that the protein function has the highest level of conservation and the gene sequences have the lowest level of conservation. Overall, the results strongly indicate that horizontal gene transfer has a strong influence on the distribution and molecular evolution of the PHA biosynthetic genes.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Hamza Abbas Jaffari, Qamar Abbas, Dr. Hafiz Zeshan Wadood

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