On the Existence of Fault-Tolerant Numbers of Two-Bridge Knots

  • Iffat Fida Hussain Centre for Advanced Studies in Pure & Applied Mathematics, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
  • Anam Rani Centre for Advanced Studies in Pure & Applied Mathematics, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
  • Usman Ali Institute de Mathematiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche-Paris, France https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0084-5954
Keywords: enzyme activity, fault-tolerant numbers, knot, two-bridge knot, unknotting numbers


Abstract Views: 118

DNA is a hereditary material of every cell which is the fundamental molecule in the transfer of encrypted information about cells from parent cells to daughter cells. The long-chain DNA molecule is tightly tangled to fit in the nucleus. The supercoiled DNA resembles a complicated knot in the structure. Every cellular process involving DNA like recombination, catenation, de-catenation, replication, and sequencing are initiated by the relaxation of the supercoiled DNA using enzyme action. The enzyme activity, which is used to untangle DNA is analogous to the process of unknotting a knot. The unknotting number refers to the least number of enzyme topoisomerase II actions. A new variant of the unknotting number namely fault-tolerant unknotting number ensures the un-entanglement of DNA knot in spite of the failure of enzyme activity at some point. This article investigates, a special family of knots named two-bridge knots for the existence of fault-tolerant unknotting numbers. Furthermore, the current study explores the subfamilies of two-bridge knots for fault-tolerant unknotting numbers. Besides this, two special subfamilies, C(a,a1,a2,a3,…,±2,-ak,-a(k-1),…,-a2,-a1 ) and C(2n,3) of two-bridge knots with unknotting number 1 and n respectively are explored for a variant of fault-tolerant unknotting number called restricted fault-tolerant unknotting numbers. Lastly, this paper concludes by explicating biological disposition of fault-tolerant unknotting numbers in terms of enzyme action on the DNA.


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How to Cite
Hussain IF, Rani A, Ali U. On the Existence of Fault-Tolerant Numbers of Two-Bridge Knots. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2025Mar.31];6(4):108-31. Available from: https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/SIR/article/view/2823
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