The Effect of Magnetic Field on Electro-deposition of Nickel and Cobalt Nanowires

  • Sidra Khalid Department of Physics, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Zaheer Hussain Shah Department of Physics, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: crystal structure, magnetic field, magnetic properties, preferred orientation


Abstract Views: 128

Anodized Aluminum Oxide (AAO) nano-porous template is fabricated and nickel (Ni) nanowires are synthesized in the nano pores of AAO template by AC electro-deposition technique in the presence and absence of magnetic field applying only in a direction parallel to nanowire axis. Cobalt (Co) nanowires are fabricated by applying magnetic field externally both in perpendicular and parallel directions to the axis of nanowires. Magnetic field can bring change in the preferential grain growth of Ni and Co nanowires. Magnetic field applied parallel to nanowire axis increases deposition rate and current density due to magneto hydrodynamic effect, while magnetic field applied in perpendicular to the surface of electrode does not bring significant change in the chemical reaction. Magnetic properties are also affected by applying external magnetic field during deposition. These changes associated with grain growth in the preferred direction of Ni and Co nanowires are discussed in this article.


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How to Cite
Sidra Khalid, Zaheer Hussain Shah. The Effect of Magnetic Field on Electro-deposition of Nickel and Cobalt Nanowires. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2019Jan.31 [cited 2025Mar.31];3(1):14-. Available from:
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