Monotone Data Modelling Using Rational Cubic Fractal Interpolation Function

  • Tayba Arooj Department of Mathematics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Farheen Ibraheem Department of Mathematics, Forman Christian College-FCCU, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Malik Zawwar Hussain Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: fractal interpolation, hybrid model, monotone interpolation, spline functions


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Geometric modelling of several intricate and complex structures such as trees, mountains, clouds, ferns, geographic topography, and coastlines is challenging in computer graphics. Traditional splines such as
trigonometric, polynomial, exponential, and rational fail to simulate this significant class of complex structures, which are highly irregular in nature. For this purpose, this research develops a novel cutting-edge
method for synthesizing and modelling structures. The proposed technique; C 1 fractal interpolation function (FIF) builds an iterated function system (IFS) by integrating fractal calculus and rational cubic polynomial functions. Appropriate conditions on scaling and shape parameters are derived to help maintain the inherited shape qualities of the data. Experiments in numerous scientific domains, such as the pharmaceutical and chemical industries have been presented as an example, to confirm the usefulness of the suggested model. Moreover, the graphic results demonstrated that the developed monotone hybrid model (MHM) offers a heterogeneous method for gathering data with a monotone structure.


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How to Cite
Arooj T, Ibraheem F, Hussain MZ. Monotone Data Modelling Using Rational Cubic Fractal Interpolation Function. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2025Mar.31];7(1):17-2. Available from:
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