On Reverse Super Edge Magic Total Labeling of Subdivided Trees

  • Abdul Raheem Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119076
Keywords: star, subdivision of star, reverse super edge magic labeling


Abstract Views: 62

A reverse edge magic total labeling of a graph ???? is a one-to-one map ????∶????(????)∪????(????)→{1,2,…,|????(????)∪????(????)|}=[1,|????(????)∪????(????)|] with the property that there is an integer constant ???? such that {????(????????)−(????(????)+????(????))????????∈????(????)⁄}=????. If (????(????))=[1,|????(????)|] then the reverse edge magic labeling is called reverse super edge-magic labeling. In this paper we will formulate the reverse edge magic labeling of two subclasses of trees.


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How to Cite
Abdul Raheem. On Reverse Super Edge Magic Total Labeling of Subdivided Trees. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2018Jul.31 [cited 2024Oct.18];2(3):19-7. Available from: https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/SIR/article/view/326
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