Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity of Tannins Isolated from Callus Cultures of Achyranthes aspera L.

In the current study, the impact of oxidative stress induced by free radicals generated during metabolic processes was investigated. It was found to be linked to a variety of diseases due to their detrimental effects on nucleic acids and proteins. The primary focus remained on investigating the free radical-scavenging properties and potential anticancer activities of tannins found in callus cultures of A. aspera. It was observed that the induction of callus formation was notably successful when using leaf and root explants, resulting in a callus index as high as 160, as compared to stem explants in the presence of auxins. The extraction yield of callus tannins was the most abundant in chloroform extracts, although the overall antioxidant activity was comparable among chloroform, methanol, and petroleum ether callus extracts. Among these extracts, the chloroform extract from stem callus cultures grown on the MSDN medium showed the highest total antioxidant activity. Notably, tannins extracted from A. aspera leaf callus extracts displayed significant anticancer effects against the Jurket cell line. These effects were evaluated through measures such as cell viability and colony formation. The anticancer activity was notably higher in callus culture extracts as compared to the control. In summary, the results showed that in vitro biomass production can be a valuable approach for augmenting the production of bioactive compounds, such as tannins, from selected medicinal plants including A. aspera. Tannins extracted from A. aspera hold promise for their potential role in the development of new medicines.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Madieha Ambreen, Safdar Ali Mirza, Zahida Bano, Wasiq Ikram, Muhammad Nazim, Waqas Ghillani, Muhammad Talha Hassan, Sajida Begum

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