Non-Kerr Law Medium: Optical Solitons and their Perturbation

  • Muhammad Javaid Afzal Department of Physics, Government Islamia College Civil Lines, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Farah Javaid Government APWA Graduate College (W) Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Ker Law, Non-Ker Law, Optical Solitons, GNLSE, Perturbation


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This investigation focuses on the perturbation analysis of optical solitons within a medium in accordance with the non-Kerr law. In the field of partial differential equations, generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation (GNLSE) is an integrable nonlinear equation. In the non-Kerr law non-linear medium, GNLSE is utilized for doing an analytical analysis of soliton perturbations as well as the soliton itself. In case of non-Kerr law instance, the application of quasi-stationarity results in a soliton that is very close to being approximated. Several edge scenarios of nonlinearity that vary from the Kerr law remain the primary focus of the current study. Although it was found that a disturbance of the nonlinear damping kind remains present, equations can be solved to find solutions. Consequently, GNLSE cannot be integrated because of the presence of higher-order dispersion.


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How to Cite
Afzal MJ, Javaid F. Non-Kerr Law Medium: Optical Solitons and their Perturbation . Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2024Jul.8 [cited 2024Oct.24];8(2):22-5. Available from:
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