Review on Use of Lignosulfonate Additives for Soil Stabilization

Compressible soils present a major obstacle in geotechnical engineering due to their tendency to expand and contract. This leads towards damages that may surpass the collective impact of floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. The management of these soils during construction projects has become increasingly costly. However, employing suitable stabilization techniques may enhance their properties. The current study aimed to evaluate mechanical and chemical methods in order to stabilize expansive soils, considering factors, such as efficiency, environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness. The absence of standardized protocols to treat swelling soils complicates engineering practices. This highlights the need for collaboration among specialists. The study focused on lignosulfonate, an industrial by-product, for subgrade stabilization. Furthermore, it also explored the impact of lignosulfonate on soil properties and its environmental-friendly nature. Previous research indicates positive outcomes, with lignosulfonate effectively improving soil properties through ion exchange processes. Despite various challenges, lignosulfonate presents a promising approach to soil stabilization and also offers technical effectiveness and environmental sustainability.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aqsa Mayium, Shaukat Ali, Asif Hanif Chaudhry, Nosheen Sial, Muhammad Aslam, Sadaf Hanif, Tariq Mehmood, Ahmad Raza

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