Computing Zagreb Connection Indices for the Cartesian Product of Path and Cycle Graphs

  • Aiman Arshad Department of Mathematics, School of Science, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Aneeta Afzal Department of Physics, University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Keywords: Cartesian product, cycle graph, path graph, topological index, Zagreb index, Zagreb connection index


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Topological indices (  ) are a class of graph-based descriptors widely used in chemiformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) studies. TIs capture key structural features of molecules by encoding graph-theoretic information, offering a quantitative representation of molecular topology. Each mathematical network is associated with a specific numerical value determined by a  function. Among  the Zagreb connection indices  have been extensively researched. This study delves into the Cartesian product of cycle graphs with path graphs, elucidating the comprehensive implications of . These indices encompass the first , second , and third . Furthermore, comprehensive results of the modified first , modified second , and modified third  are presented, along with the first multiplicative ZCI second multiplicative ZCI (SMZCI), and third multiplicative ZCI  Moreover, modified first multiplicative ZCI   ), modified second multiplicative ZCI  and modified third multiplicative ZCI (  are also calculated. To provide precision, both the graphical and numerical analyses of the computed findings are aligned for the two Cartesian products.

The foundation for mathematically modeling complex networks and chemical structures lies in graph theory. Topological indices (  ) are a class of graph-based descriptors widely used in chemiformatics and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies. TIs capture key structural features of molecules by encoding graph-theoretic information, offering a quantitative representation of molecular topology. Each mathematical network is associated with a specific numerical value determined by a topological index  function. Among these  the Zagreb connection indices  are extensively researched TIs. This article delves into the Cartesian product of cycle graphs with path graphs, elucidating the comprehensive implications of . These indices encompass the first, Second  and third. Furthermore, we present the comprehensive results of the modified , modified  and modified , and also present the first multiplicative Zagreb connection index , and , along with their modified counterparts like modified first multiplicative Zagreb connection index ,  and . These analysis encompass two distinct types of graphs: cycle graphs and path graphs. To provide further precision, we align both the graphical and numerical analysis of our computed findings for these two Cartesian products.


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How to Cite
Arshad A, Afzal A. Computing Zagreb Connection Indices for the Cartesian Product of Path and Cycle Graphs. Sci Inquiry Rev. [Internet]. 2024Sep.26 [cited 2025Mar.31];8(3):102-18. Available from:
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