A Cross-Sectional Study Concerning Piriformis Tightness: Identifying Predisposing Factors and its Association with Low Back Pain in Office Workers

  • Rabia Shaheen Khan Shalamar Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Zufa Shafiq Shalamar Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Rukash Mehar Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Arfa Akhtar Johar Institute of Professional Studies, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Usama Bin Sabir Al Kareem Medical Complex, Multan, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ammar Pakistan Railway Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Zainia Tariq Abu Bakar Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Junaid Saleem Gulab Devi Educational Complex, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: chronic back pain, lower-back pain, office workers, piriformis tightness, SPSS


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To identify the predisposing factors of piriformis tightness and its association with lower back pain in office workers due to prolonged working hours. In this cross-sectional study, a convenient sampling technique was used to collect data from the study participants. The study setting was private office setups in Faisalabad, Pakistan. A sample size of 250 office workers was selected through defined inclusion criteria after the screening of almost 400 workers. The selection criteria were individuals aged 26-50 years having a minimum of 2 years of work experience. The study period was from October 2021 to March 2022. Seated piriformis test was used to check the presence of piriformis muscle tightness. The visual analogue scale was used for pain assessment and a structured questionnaire was used to check the predisposing factors. Piriformis tightness was found in 76% of the office workers. Chi-square test resulted in a significant association of piriformis tightness with lower back pain (p<0.05). Conclusively, it was observed that piriformis tightness was frequent in office workers due to prolonged working hours. Furthermore, it was highlighted that predisposing factors, included prolonged working hours, uncomfortable chairs without appropriate foot support, poor posture, and work-related pain.


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How to Cite
Khan, R. S., Shafiq, Z., Mehar, R., Akhtar, A., Sabir, U. B., Ammar, M., Zainia Tariq, & Saleem, J. (2023). A Cross-Sectional Study Concerning Piriformis Tightness: Identifying Predisposing Factors and its Association with Low Back Pain in Office Workers. International Health Review , 3(2), 19-31. https://doi.org/10.32350/ihr.32.02
Original Article