About the Journal
Linguistics and Literature Review (LLR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. It seeks to aid in strengthening national and international scholarship in the fields of linguistics and literature. The journal is primarily concerned with publishing research to national and international relevance on all aspects of linguistics and literature. In addition to original articles, the journal seeks to publish reviews of current books. It may also, from time to time, carry articles reflecting the state and interest of linguistic and literary research focusing on a specific country or a region. The journal has published articles on the burning issues of linguistics and literature over the past couple of years.
Each article published in LLR is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) number. The DOI allocated to articles published in LLR is a persistent identifier and serves as a permanent link to access the articles electronically and in print. Similarly, each paper has its own Quick Response Code (QR Code). QR code is a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or information for reading by the camera on a smartphone or tablet.
Linguistics and Literature Review (LLR) promotes literature, linguistic diversity, cultural cohesion, and prosperity in social life and scholarship. As compared to literature, the discipline of linguistics is relatively new; however, LLR aims to elevate the scope of linguistics in Pakistan and elsewhere. In addition to the papers from theoretical and applied linguistics, the journal encourages researchers to connect with linguistics, even exploring any literary genre. The journal has published many articles on Asian, African, Latin American, and Western approaches to theoretical, applied linguistics, and literary philosophies over the past six years. To answer the challenges of this increasingly changing world, the journal welcomes papers especially, though not exclusively, on the following areas:
- Sociolinguistics
- Bilingualism and multilingualism
- Gender and language
- Computational semantics
- Language acquisition
- Linguistics and translation
- Vocabulary use
- Language learning
- Language testing and evaluation
- Language planning and policy
- Theoretical and applied linguistics
- Approaches to second language learning
- Discourse studies
- Translation studies
- Literary studies
- Interdisciplinary explorations such as political discourses, and education.
The journal provides a forum to bright young researchers who aim to improve the world with their ideas and want to be a part of national and international scholarship. The journal serves the need for those who want to explore the world through written, verbal and visual text for social and epistemological contributions. The journal is open to publishing papers that include applying theories and philosophical perspectives beyond the western standpoints to add to the local scholarship. LLR has become a valuable platform for multidisciplinary applied research in various linguistic areas: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse, second language learning, CALL and sociolinguistics. LLR also welcomes papers in the all the major subfields of literature like fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama and folklores naming a few. Consistent themes in the journal warrant language application to view the social realities about disenfranchised language groups, linguistic diversity, power and resistance, bilingualism/multilingualism, xenophobia, public health, politics, language education, new media, and so on. LLR has developed its niche with an overlap with the core linguistic and literary journals, which exclusively publish manuscripts on the above-mentioned areas of linguistics and literature.
The journal accepts the papers via OJS. The Editor-in-chief along with the managing editor review all the manuscripts for an appraisal. If an article is found suitable, it is considered for double-blind review by local and foreign experts. Please review the author’s guidelines and publication ethics before the submission of a paper.