The Application of Auxiliaries in Verb Structures

A Cross linguistic Approach

  • Dr. Azamat Akbarov English Department, International Burch, University Bosnia and Herzegovina
Keywords: English language, Ruthenian language, verb constructions, auxiliary verbs, contrastive approach


Abstract Views: 82

The paper contains a description of the formal differences and similarities in the structure of English and Ruthenian verb constructions. It can be said that Ruthenian verb constructions are mainly formed synthetically, whereas English verb constructions are mainly formed analytically. The use of auxiliaries in English compensates for the sparseness of flexion. There are five auxiliaries in English verb constructions (BE, DO, HAVE, SHALL, WILL) whereas there is only one auxiliary in Ruthenian (БУЦ). Although the author mostly pays attention to the active verb constructions in the study, the passive verb constructions are included as well. The results may serve as a starting point for further contrastive investigations. The results can be used in teaching English in the Ruthenian speaking area and in teaching Ruthenian in the English speaking area as well as in translating both from English into Ruthenian and from Ruthenian into English.


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How to Cite
Dr. Azamat Akbarov. (2015). The Application of Auxiliaries in Verb Structures. Linguistics and Literature Review, 1(1), 19-28.