Feudal System of Pakistan in Daniyal Mueenuddin’s Short Stories

A Marxist Critique

  • Humaira Tariq The University of Lahore – Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: feudalism, Pakistan, Marxism, stratification, oppression


Abstract Views: 1350

This study analyses the short stories of the Pakistani-American author Daniyal Mueenuddin, in his collection, “In Other Rooms, Other Wonders” (Mueenuddin, 2009). The theoretical foundation of this study draws mainly from The Communist Manifesto written by the German philosophers Karl Marx and Frederick Engels (Marx, Engels, & Taylor, 1967). The study highlights the Feudal System in Punjab- Pakistan, given in Mueenuddin’s stories as representative of the same stratification and class struggles, discussed by Marx and Engels for the capitalist society. The Bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie and proletariat classes of Capitalism given in the Manifesto are traced in the Feudal set up of the stories to expose the workings of the feudal system of Pakistan. The study is supported by views on Pakistani feudalism by various intellectuals both from the West and East and the presentation of feudalism by Mueenuddin is weighed and analysed accordingly. Finally, in keeping with the Marxist point of view, the role of the author is explicated in highlighting and addressing the injustices in feudal system of Pakistan. This study is undertaken with a hope of highlighting the feudal system of Pakistan which is although slowly receding in Pakistan but still has a strong hold in the rural areas. “In Other Rooms, Other Wonders” is one of the very few books on feudalism in Pakistan, especially in the literary arena. A need for authoring more such texts on Pakistani feudalism is expressed through this study, to create awareness and to present possible solutions for this system of unjust agrarian hierarchy.


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How to Cite
Humaira Tariq. (2018). Feudal System of Pakistan in Daniyal Mueenuddin’s Short Stories. Linguistics and Literature Review, 4(1), 30- 40. https://doi.org/10.32350/llr.v4i1.275