Realism Vs Magical Realism in Mohammad Hanif’s Our Lady of Alice Bhatti

  • Sara Baig Lahore College for Women University- Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: realism, magical realism, patriarchy, social and religious injustices


Abstract Views: 1533

Mohammad Hanif presents feminist approach in his Our Lady of Alice Bhatti (2011) with the empowerment of the protagonist by using the techniques of realism and magical realism. This article aims at exploring the techniques of realism and magical realism which go side by side in the narrative to turn a downtrodden Christian lady Alice Bhatti to attain the status of ‘Our lady’. Using the technique of realism Hanif depicts a society which never misses a chance to dominate a lady from a poor class and minority religion. He shows multifaceted personality of Alice Bhatti and her resistance against social and religious injustices done to her. He foils the patriarchal authority by fusing magical realism in Alice’s character for the restoration of her feminine pride and eminence in a male dominated society. Hanif presents Alice as a saint in the end with the help of magical realism. The maltreatment of Christian choohras is an example of Muslims’ prejudiced behavior towards minorities of Pakistan.


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How to Cite
Sara Baig. (2017). Realism Vs Magical Realism in Mohammad Hanif’s Our Lady of Alice Bhatti. Linguistics and Literature Review, 3(2), 87–102.