Authors Guidelines

Articles submitted to UER are preferably welcomed in all areas of research that provide sound and clear theoretical insights with practical implications for education and societal wellbeing. Papers reflecting evidence-based reflections, book reviews, research summaries, and papers presented in conferences (not yet published) are also welcome.

Language: English

Submission: kindly make an account on the OJS system of UER and electronically upload the article on the website. 

Note: Plagiarism report must be attached with the manuscript and UER strictly follows the anti-plagiarism policy of HEC. Before submitting your manuscript please read: Policies and Guidelines and follow APA 7th Template

For submission please ensure that:

General guidelines for preparing the manuscript for submission are summarized in the American Psychological Association Manual (7th ed., APA). Authors must look for already published articles in archives to finalize the document. The manuscript should be submitted as a single Word file, including all sections specified below. The author will be solely responsible for the content provided in the article. In the case of reprinting previously published material, the author needs to get prior permission.

Publication Fees: Publication is free; the journal does not charge any article processing fee.

Copy Editing Services: The journal provides exclusive English language editing services along with the formatting services totally free of charge.

Research Writing Workshops & Training: We regularly conduct workshops on research writing, data analysis, and reporting, etc. Booking is recommended in advance to avoid disappointment. However, registration fees may apply.

An article might include the following main sections:

  1. Abstract & Keywords

All manuscripts must include an abstract containing 200- 250 words typed on a separate page. After the abstract, please supply up to five keywords or brief phrases (APA). The abstract should explain the purpose of the research, method, primary results, and major conclusions. It should also contain 1-2 lines about the originality and uniqueness of research.

  1. Introduction

A strong introduction engages the reader in the problem of interest and provides a context for the study at hand. In introducing the research concern, the writer should provide a clear rationale for why the problem deserves new research, contextualizing the study according to the current knowledge and prior theoretical and empirical work. The introduction may further contain: 

  • Literature Review
  • Conceptual and/or Theoretical framework of the research
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Objectives/ Research Questions/Hypothesis depending upon the nature of the study
  1. Methodology

The author is required to provide the relevant and reliable supporting evidence that the methods and materials match the purpose/ objectives of the research article. This section may contain a brief description/explanation of

  • Research type
  • Population & Sampling
  • Validity & Reliability
  • Instrumentation and its application
  • Ethics
  • Techniques used for data collection and analysis
  1. Results 

Results should be clear and concise and systematically presented to justify the conclusion. Description of demography is a must for all articles. For quantitative research, we expect descriptive statistics regarding mean and standard deviation.

  • Simple conduction of t-test and ANOVA for finding differences based upon demographic variables is though accepted but not a preferred solution. MANOVA is a preferred option
  • For correlational research, we expect factor analysis and Pearson Correlation
  • For Prediction, we expect Regression Analysis.
  • Any other advanced analysis like SEM is most welcome.

For qualitative research, the data must be analyzed using a proper strategy conforming to a theory. Similarly, for mixed-methods research, the purpose of mixing methods must be mentioned clearly. The type of mixed methods design should be described and appropriately followed theoretically.

  1. Tables & Figures

Tables and figures should be numbered and headed with concise titles. Both tables and figures should be inserted in the main body of the text where they belong. Authors can use pictures and other graphics as well.

  1. Discussion

Results of the research must be adequately discussed comparing and contrasting with the previous research literature.

  1. Conclusions

Conclusions must be drawn from results answering the research questions and objectives.

  1. Implications

This part may discuss the implication of results on educational practice and may suggest ways to improve practice. Provide a critical assessment of the study's limitations and outline possible dimensions for future research on the topic.

  1. Article Length

UER suggests that the authors observe the word limit of 4500-8000 words.

  1. Abbreviations/Acronyms

Avoid using abbreviations in the article. The full form of abbreviations for abstracting and indexing purposes should be presented in the article. Use of Acronyms should be proper and consistent in the article.

  1. References

For in-text citations and the final reference list, please consult the APA 7th edition. In-text citations and the reference list must match with each other. A final list of 50 references is expected; 50% of the references must be post-2010. 10% of the references must be from the previous three years. Avoid using very old references unless it is of critical importance. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.