Elementary Science Teachers’ Perceptions of Science Quizzes

This study investigated the perception of science teachers about science quizzes at elementary level employing survey method. The population of this study comprised all science teachers working at elementary level in public schools of District Rawalpindi during 2019. The sample consisted of 105 science teachers working in public schools of tehsil Kallar Syedan, District Rawalpindi. A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and validated by experts, which was then administered to the sample. Frequency and percentage of each statement were calculated to analyze the data. The study examined the perception of science teachers about usefulness of quizzes, effect of quizzes on instructor and effect of quizzes on improving academic performance. Findings of the study showed that teachers perceive quizzes as an effective way of improving students’ grades of. Quizzes serve multiple beneficial purposes, including promoting regularity among students, improving study habits, motivating them, fostering, and ultimately increasing both students’ learning and retention. Additionally, administration of quizzes particularly at the start of day can drift learners directly into the topic and provide a quick review of previously learnt material. Regularly scheduled quizzes enable teachers to know whether certain topics need to be taught again or not. It is recommended that work load of teachers be reduced and facilities be provided, particularly to science teachers to conduct frequent quizzes. This, in turn, is expected to enhance students’ performance at end of course exam.
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