Translation, Adaptation, and Cross Language Validation of the Revised Version of Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire’07 (DCDQ’07) in Urdu Language (DCDQ-UR)

The current study analyses children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) who face difficulty in learning through physical activities. Such children find it more difficult while performing movement skills, learning new physical tasks, and applying self-help skills in their day to day life. These functional limitations at times lead towards the range of other psychological and emotional problems. The application of valid and reliable screening and diagnostic tool is a prerequisite to start appropriate rehabilitation services. The current study aims to translate and validate DCDQ’07 into Urdu language for Pakistani population in order to identify children with DCD. This step is especially taken because there is no screening tool available in Urdu language. So far children with DCD have severely been understudied in Pakistan. The current study was divided into two phases, preliminary and main studies. The preliminary phase revealed the process of translation and cross language validation of the scale. The main study was conducted on a sample of 70 children at risk of DCD to establish psychometric properties of DCDQ-UR. Results demonstrated the adequate test-retest reliability, significant inter-item correlation, item total correlation and item loading scores. The DCDQ-UR has proved to be a valid and reliable scale for screening of children with DCD in the age ranging from 5 to 15 years among Pakistani population.
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