Professional Competence of Teachers and School Climate: A Conceptual Perspective

Keywords: teacher training, professional competence, school climate, theoretical perspective


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This paper explores the conceptual perspective of professional competence of teachers and the school climate. Professional competence is explained in terms of professional knowledge, teachers’ disposition, and their professional skills. Professional education courses in teacher training institutes play a crucial role in developing professional competence among teachers. These courses equip teachers for instructional planning, classroom management, assessment and evaluation and creating and managing a conducive learning environment. They also emphasize building a congenial relationship between the school and the community, aligning with various domains of school climate. School climate encompasses the cumulative experiences of students, teachers, and head teachers about different aspects of the institution. This conceptual paper conducts an extensive theoretical review of over 135 research articles on both professional competence and school climate, examining their concepts, dimensions, and measuring methods. Given the common factors of both the concepts, a conceptual linkage has been established. This paper aims to enhance understanding of professional competence and school climate and their interrelationship with various influencing factors.


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How to Cite
Nadeem, H. A., & Lilla, Z. I. (2024). Professional Competence of Teachers and School Climate: A Conceptual Perspective. UMT Education Review, 7(1), 1-23.